
Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Holiday Reading - Make a recommendation


I would recommend this book to Paeroa because 
He likes sharks
Facinated about big teeth
Wants to see deadly animals


  1. This should be the perfect book for him to read then. Did you see in the news about a surfer in California that got bitten by a great white shark? He was OK but the teeth marks would have been impressive.

    1. Thanks Ms.Kirkpatrick.
      I did read about the shark bite which was sad. Also I got a comment from Mr Webb and Room One and he liked the recommendation. He also left me a url. I might go and check it out!!!!
      Thanks, Quaid

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Quaid I
    think you enjoy this book because it shows nice cover and I also like to read this book.

  3. Quaid
    Thats a great idea to recommend books for students in the holidays and really exciting that you identified why someone might like the book because of their interests in Sharks.
    Mr Webb and Room One, Auroa Primary School, Taranaki.

  4. Quaid
    Apologies if this is a double comment but I just wanted to thank you for the prompt reply leaving a comment on our class page in Taranaki. Its the holidays (of course) as a result we will be back with my class when the term starts again in a little over a week. Fantastic to see you so aware of your audience and being so proactive. Wonderful.
    Mr Webb and Room One, Auroa Primary School, Taranaki.

  5. Hi Quaid

    I really like your book it looks so scary because of his big teeth and because sharks are found all over the word that makes them really good subject to learn about.


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