
Friday, 30 March 2012

Sumdog Result By Quaid

This is my first Sum dog result. I played Endangered and it was the best of them all. came first by catching the monkey and tiger.

Favourite Ice cream Flavours in Room 5-By Quaid

Cookies and Cream came first with ten. Orange Chocolate Chip came tie with Strawberry Ripple in 2. Rocky Road 8. Coffee Fudge 5 and Vanilla 4. My personal favourite was Cookies and Cream.I think cokkies and cream was the highest because people must like Oreo`s

Monday, 26 March 2012

Types of Bullying-Quaid


Name calling
Poking the finger
Sleepless nights / tired
Mocking Families
Types of Bullying

Tuesday, 20 March 2012

My Maori Mihi - By Quaid

This is my Mihi .This is all my information but in Maori !

Tuesday, 13 March 2012

This is my Wall Wisher By Quaid

These is what I look for in a friend

Room 5 Birthdays -Quaid

This is how many birthdays are celebrated in a month in Room 5.
September is the most celebrated Birthday Month.
November is the least celebrated Birthday Month.
January, February, March, May have all the same people celebrate there Birthday.
April, June, July, October, December have all the same people celebrate there birthday.

Dr Ben Carson Quaid

Yeah! We are going to see Dr Ben Carson at the Telstra Clear Manukau Event Centre. We went on the Bendy bus. When we arrived everyone was surprised about all the schools that were there. We were sitting on the grass for 40 - 45 minutes. When Mrs Burgess took us to the toilet we saw him getting interviewed. Finallly we went inside so that we could get seated before Dr Ben Carson. We Sang the Duffy song and then someone named Henry. He told us about his librarian crush. Then Dr Ben Carson came out. I nearly fell out of my chair when all the people were screaming. He told us about how he was very poor when he grew up. He also hold us how he had a choice to be a cool poor person or a smart and rich person. Of course this was very hard. So he to be a smart and rich person. Last he told us to T,H,I,N,K B,I,G. We got an `Up and go` and an apple then left.

Monday, 12 March 2012

My Maori Mihi - By Quaid

My Maori Mihi

Ko Quaid taku ingoa

Ko Pirihi toku ingoa whanau

E iwa oku tau

Ko Taylor toku matua

Ko Rhonda toku whaea

Ko Kerry raua ko Wi te teira oku koro

Ko Judith raua ko Farm oku kuia

Ko Maungrei te maunga

Ko Tamaki te awa

Ko Panmure Bridge toku kura

Ko Miss Paton toku kaiako

Ko Mr Johnston te tumuaki

Ko Rangiora te marae

Ko Pautuharakeke toku iwi

No Aoeteroa ahau

Kei Panmure toku kainga noho

He Kikorangi oku whatu

He Parauri toku makawe

Ko Aryan toku hoa

Reflecting on my Tapa Cloth By Quaid

Reflecting on my Tapa Cloth

1. Are you pleased with your Tapa Cloth? why / why not?
Because it has the middle flower in the middle and it stands out.

2. What did you find easy when you were creating your Tapa?
The ruling up of the grids.

3. What did you find tricky when you were creating your Tapa?
All of the patterns especially the border.

4. If you made another Tapa, what would you change and why?
I might of change the border because it was a bit tricky.

5. Who / What has helped you in creating your Tapa?
The examples of Tapa cloth

6. Did you use any of your own cultural patterns in your own Tapa? Which ones? What do they mean? If you didn’t use your cultural patterns, what did patterns did you use? Where did they come from?

No I only used the Samoan patterns in the ones that Mrs Walters supplied.

7. What geometric elements does your Tapa Cloth show? Reflection, Rotation, Translation.
Rotation and Reflection.

Friday, 9 March 2012

My Tongan Tapa-By Quaid

My Tongan Tapa
What you need...

Brown paper.
Brown dye.
Cotton buds
  • Instructions...
  • Find Brown paper which is 30cm x 30cm
  • Rule a grid making sure each square is 3cm
  • Choose a pattern for your Tapa
  • Draw the pattern using a pencil
  • Go over the lines with vivid.
  • Colour in some of the patterns with the vivid marker.
  • Get your Teacher, Mum or Dad to make up brown dye.
  • Mix with water and paint over the Tapa.
  • Pour the bleach into a small cup and dab the bleach using a cotton bud over the patterns you wish to have white.
  • Put the Tapa Cloth on the wall

Thursday, 8 March 2012

The Vitruvian man-By Quaid

The Vitruvian Man

Today we had to measure our feet for our Vitruvian man.
We measured 6 feet. We also measure 10 hands.


First we found brown paper. Secondly we traced round 6 feet. After that we cut them out. Lastly we sellotaped the tip of our toes together.

We held it up to our heads and see if it was our height. If that does not work hold it length ways from hand to hand.


The hands are the same but you cut out 10 hands

I found out that...
  1. One foot is the same as my wrist to my elbow
  2. My 6 feet across my body (hand - hand)
  3. 10 hands across my body hand - hand)
  4. My 6 feet did not work but 5 and a half did. If I did not have 6 feet and only had five it would stop just above my eye so we need 6.

The School Picnic By Quaid

The School Picnic.-By Quaid

Yahoo! We are finally going to Eastern beach. I felt excited!!! I have been waiting for 3 weeks including the weekends. We went on Monday 27th February. We had to wait for 10-15 minutes for the bus to arrive. Finally the bus arrived and we got on.Unfortunately some people from our school did not come because they did not pay.

Ten minutes later we were in Pakuranga. Five minutes after that we saw the sea. One minute we were there. When we got there everyone was so excited. When Miss Paton told us all the rules, we couldn't wait until Mr Johnston said “Room 5 with Life jackets. Before we went into the water we played T-ball with Tim, Caleb and I. When it was our turn the class went mad! They were running around like crazy. Finally we went in the water and we all went calm because we were cold as ice blocks. When we came out it was lunch time. I had my Chicken sandwich, yoghurt and crackers. Aryan and I felt tired so we had a sleep. We were allowed one more swim when we woke up. Before we left I was playing in the tree. ‘Everybody in their classes’ Mr Johnston said. We went on the bus and came to school.I would love to go back there again.