
Friday, 29 June 2012

Farewell Miss Chapman - By Quaid

Today Miss Chapman is leaving us after being here for 5 weeks. We will miss Miss Chapman and we hope she has a good job.

How to make Parachutes - By Quaid

This is my Presentation on How to make Parachutes. We had fun making Parachute because we had to measure how long it took for the parachute to reach the ground. Have a look and please leave a comment.

Thursday, 28 June 2012

The Wright Brothers Comic Life - By Quaid

This is Aryan, Cody, Tim and My Comic life on the Wright Brothers.
This term our topic is Flight. We have had a lot fun with Flight. We have been making Cable cars, Parachute and Kites. I think That our Comic Life is good because it will teach others all about the Wright Brothers and when we were making the Comic Life even I learnt some things about the Wright Brothers.
Have a look at our Comic Life and please leave a comment

My Reflection on The Motat trip- By Quaid

The Motat Trip.


This week the whole school is going to Motat. We are going to Motat because this term our topic is flight. On The day after the trip Miss Chapman came up with some reflective questions that we can answer.Here are the questions and the answers.

1.Describe three things that you learnt on the Motat trip
I learnt how a propeller works
I learnt that the shape of a rain drop is the shape of the wing.
I learnt that there are 3 differnt types of Tiger moths

2.Describe three things you want to learn more anbout on the topic flight.

I want to learn more about the Wright Brothers and other famous aviators.
I want to learn more about how a plane works.
I want to learn the materials you need to make a plane.

3.Describe three things you enjoyed doing on the Motat trip. Say why you enjoyed them.
I liked the mirror maze because I got lost alot and it was fun.
I liked the shadow play because if you stand in one spot and then turn the light on and then off your shadow will be on the wall.

I liked the tram ride because I didn`t want to walk to the other side of Motat

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

How to make a Parachute Results - By Quaid

This is the results from when we made parachutes. We had to measure how long each parachute stayed in the air. Look through the graph and please leave a comment.

Monday, 25 June 2012

My Screenr on How to make Rich Chocolate Easter Eggs - By Quaid

This is my Screenr. My Screenr is based on this term's procedural writing. My Favourite piece of procedural writing is How to make Rich chocolate Easter eggs. Watch the video and please leave a comment.

Friday, 22 June 2012

My Comic Life on Jets - By Aryan, Cody and Quaid

This is Aryan, Cody and My Comic life on Jets.
This term our topic is Flight. We have had a lot fun with Flight. We have been making Cable cars, Parachute and Kites. I think That our Comic Life is good because it will teach others all about Jets and when we were making the Comic Life even I learnt some things about the Wright Brothers.
Have a look at our Comic Life and please leave a comment

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

The Paper Dart Challenge : By Quaid

This is my Graph on my Paper Dart Challenge. It was very fun because we all didn`t use the same plane we all made a different one each. The one that flew the furthest was Piripi with 11.16 metres and the plane that flew the least was San Tat`s with 2 metres. My Paper plane flew 5 metres.Try making a Paper plane and try beat Piripi`s.

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Art: Reflecting on my Hot Air Balloon

Art: Reflecting on my 
Papier Mache
Hot Air Balloon

1. Are you pleased with your Hot Air Balloon? why / why not?
Yes because I had fun making it and painting it.

2. What did you find easy when you made your Hot Air Balloon?
The paper mache gluing the newspaper and news print.

3. What part did you find tricky when you made your Hot Air Balloon?
The ruling of the segments

4. Who / What helped you when you made your Hot Air Balloon?
Miss Paton and her instructions

5. What would you do differently next time? Think about: Painting, Smoothing, Gluing of ribbon, Glittering and Time Management.
Try working faster because I was very slow.

6. What frustrated you when you made your Hot Air Balloon? 
When I Thread the pipe cleaners

Tuesday, 5 June 2012