
Thursday, 22 May 2014

Room 6 Rubbish in Room 6 on Day Four

Room 6 Daily Rubbish
Day Four
Screenshot from 2014-05-22 09:57:10.png

This graph shows what Room 6 brought to school and how much rubbish we produced on day four. Chippie packets are the highest with 14 packets that were brought to school on day four. The lowest is the Plastic Drink bottles and Cardboard box with 1. Drink boxes, Naked food and Plastic bags are all 3. Naked food is when someone brings totally naked food to school with no wrappers or rubbish.

Monday, 19 May 2014

Quaid - Holiday Report

Holiday Reading Report

During the holidays we had been set a challenge. It was to read three novels, and complete an activity for each of them. The year seven and eight students were given activities so that we could maintain our academic studies over the holiday break.

For my first activity I decided to do the Dress Up activity. The reason being is, because the story I read was The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas which the majority of the characters wore striped pyjamas. I then put on my pyjamas and took a photo. I liked this book because it is a historical book and I like reading that type of genre.

For my next activity I decided to do the Radical reading. In this activity you had to rewrite the ending of a book, in my case Titanic. My version was different to the story because there are more collapsible lifeboats on board, allowing the passengers to survive. Also instead of some of the lifeboats sinking due to the capacity of the people, all of the people survived and boarded the Carpathia.

For my last choice,  I completed the food activity. I made an apple pie because in the story,  At home, After Six they made an apple pie for the Mum because she was sick. I secretly added more sugar than needed. This may have caused the pie not to rise.

Overall I think the reading challenge was a success because firstly, I enjoy reading more now and secondly I have not downgraded in all areas at school due to not reading. I can’t wait until next holidays, because we get to do it again.  I really liked this challenge.


Interactive Grammar Activity - Quaid

Today we completed an activity on there, their and they're. I scored 20/20 in my first time.

Quaid Xtramaths Result

 Today I scored 47% . I am nearly onto  another level which is division

Monday, 5 May 2014


This is  my Xtramath placement quiz result. I scored 2 wrong, 1 waiting and 30 correct. I am getting better at multiplacation

Algebra game

Today we played the Algebra game. To play we used substitution to answer the questions.
 I thought this was easy because we played this game last year in Room 6 

Friday, 2 May 2014

Rewrite the Ending Quaid

Rewrite the ending activity
Book: An Edwardian girls diary

It was a late night when they were awoken from the chaos.. Margaret, Mrs Carstairs and Mr Carstairs were frightened. The were aboard the First class deck when such freightment shook the cruise boat and which was not meant to sink . They panicked, snatching their favourite possessions. They were ordered, in a disorderly manner, by the crew to put on the life jackets. They were aboard collapsible boat C . By now several SOS transmissions were sent to the Carpathia. They were one of the last boats to reach the Carpathia. This story is one of the best. These memories are one of the worlds worst. I hope this never happens again.

Holiday Reading

The activity:
Dress up as a character from the book

The boy it the stripped pyjamas
John Boyne
Although I am not dresed up in striped pyjamas, I am in pyjamas so hopefully this counts.